Citric Acid 1Kg


To reduce PH – acidity of mash/wash

Ideally you want to lower your mash or wash PH (acidity) to keep foreign bacteria or wild yeasts from propagating in your wash.

Although it contributes to the overall acidity of the beer, citric acid has little impact on the overall flavor. It is sometimes added to increase the acidity of some low-alcohol and non-alcoholic beers where incomplete fermentation fails to increase acidity to an appropriate level.

Citric acid can also be used as a sanitiser if you are in a pinch. Use 5-10g per 1L of water. For an effective sanitising solution, the PH should be around 2.5 to be effective.

SKU: pHD1 Category:


To reduce PH – acidity of mash/wash

Ideally you want to lower your mash or wash PH (acidity) to keep foreign bacteria or wild yeasts from propagating in your wash.

Although it contributes to the overall acidity of the beer, citric acid has little impact on the overall flavor. It is sometimes added to increase the acidity of some low-alcohol and non-alcoholic beers where incomplete fermentation fails to increase acidity to an appropriate level.

Citric acid can also be used as a sanitiser if you are in a pinch. Use 5-10g per 1L of water. For an effective sanitising solution, the PH should be around 2.5 to be effective.

Additional information

Weight 1.010 kg
Dimensions 29 × 18 × 2 cm