This hydrometer can be used to determine the gravity reading of your brew and comes with its own plastic container which can be used as a sampling (trial) jar to take your reading in.
Please note that if you need to measure the alc. content of a brew that has been distilled you need an alcoholmeter, which is a different scale to that of this hydrometer.
How to take a hydrometer reading and test if your brew is ready to bottle;
- Measure your starting gravity (SG) before fermentation (before you pitch the yeast)
- Take another measure when you think your brew is complete – known as the final gravity reading or FG, which will help determine if it has fermented (and useful if you are not sure if it has fermented!)
- Take a second FG reading 24 hours after the first FG reading and if this is the same the fermentation is complete and ready to move onto the next stage – if it has moved at all leave it a few more days before repeating steps 2 and 3