Blue Alcohol Colour 50ml


Our spirit flavouring essence is formulated specifically for flavouring your own neutral spirits to give you that authentic flavour profile In most cases the dosages will be on the bottle.

Red Alcohol Colour is formulated to work with alcohol beverages, to give your Gin or Liqueur the Colour in to 750ml 0.5ml – 2ml.

SKU: FlavABC Category:


Our spirit flavouring essence is formulated specifically for flavouring your own neutral spirits to give you that authentic flavour profile In most cases the dosages will be on the bottle.

Red Alcohol Colour is formulated to work with alcohol beverages, to give your Gin or Liqueur the Colour in to 750ml 0.5ml – 2ml.

Additional information

Weight 0.120 kg
Dimensions 3.5 × 3.5 × 10 cm